Being a Grown Up vs. Buying Shoes

My sensible side is so cross with me right now. There I am, signing on the dotted line to rent a flat with my boyfriend, officially starting my new grown up life in London Town. And yet… all I can think about is how hard it will be to justify paying a deposit AND the worlds most beautiful sandals, all in one month.

Let’s just take a minute to marvel at their beauty, shall we.


Wow. When I first saw them in the shop window I was so distracted I tripped up: yes, that’s right people, I literally fell in love with them.

There were SO many reasons not to buy them:

  1. They are super pricey and I am super poor.
  2. My feet are so wide they actually hang over the edge, taking away from the aesthetics somewhat.
  3. It’s not sandal weather.
  4. There is also a matching clutch bag and I would feel obliged to buy the set.
  5. I own zero outfits to go with said sandals.

All very rational arguments. And yet…

I found myself envisaging what life would be like in these sandals. The return of investment would be huge. Of course I would be more successful at work – I would be 100 times more sassy and confident whenever I entered a room. And I would undoubtedly save money on entertainment – who needs to buy tickets for the cinema when you can spend 90mins gazing at those beauties. I would be invited to countless classy events and would survive on a diet of canapés and champagne, eliminating the need for a food & alcohol budget. Essentially these sandals would MAKE me money.

So, to cut a long story short, I bought them and, in fact, I’m wearing them right now. Perhaps I’ll never take them off – that way at least I’ll ensure I get my money’s worth.

Do I feel guilty? Oh absolutely! When it’s the week before payday and I’m surviving on a diet of bread and margarine (unable to even stretch to butter) I’m going to hate myself.

And yet I don’t regret it for one second. Life in your twenties suddenly gets so serious: it becomes all about settling down and being a proper grown up. Sometimes you’ve got to say ‘yes’ to buying the girly polka dot shoes that are out of your price range. Everyone deserves an extravagant self-treat every now and again.

Now to buy the matching clutch bag…

Rhian x